Tuesday 16 June 2015


Within volleyball there are many different skills that are to be executed, one of which is the spike. The spike is used to send the ball over the net to the opponent in such a manner that ball is not returnable (Strength-and-power-for-volleyball.com, 2015). This is achieved through hitting the ball downwards with great amounts of velocity in order to reduce the time the opponent has to return the ball. So what are the biomechanical principles used to perform an optimal volleyball spike?
The volleyball spike can be broken down into many phases with different movement patterns. These phases include; preparation phase, jump phase, contact phase and follow through/recovery phase. Each of which has many different biomechanical principles to consider. The biomechanical principles enable us to provide an optimal technique in order to perform a successful volleyball spike. A quantitative approach to the volleyball spike will ideally improve an individual’s execution of the skill.

Preparation phase:
Within the preparation phase there are biomechanical principles to consider in order to maximise power and speed. This phase includes the footwork in order to get into position to jump. This phase also plays a major role in the height of the jump. It is stated that teams and players with higher vertical jump values are more successful (Ziv & Lidor, 2010). Therefore it is important that players reach maximum height in the vertical jump which begins with the approach.
Within the approach, it is beneficial for players to plant and take off quickly during the approach. This is recommended due to the effect of kinetic and potential energy. Within the approach phase the body has kinetic energy, which can be described as energy in motion (Blazevich, 2007). This concept applies to the approach as faster moving objects have greater kinetic energy. As the aim is to transfer this kinetic energy into potential energy in preparation for the jump. The greater the time between the approach and jump, the less kinetic energy, consequently the less potential energy and a decrease in vertical jump height. This is where Newton’s Third Law of Motion, ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’ becomes significant. The kinetic energy (force) built up within take off is applied when the foot makes contact with the ground, which in turn exerts an equal and opposite reaction force. This is key to gaining a greater vertical jump height.
Newton’s third law also explains the direction of the jump as for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Blazevich, 2007). There is a force applied when the foot makes contact with the ground, which in turn exerts an equal and opposite reaction force Figure 1 demonstrates that force needs to be applied by the foot vertically as in A rather than at an angle in B in order to reach maximum height.

Figure 1: Newton's third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite                          reaction as shown above (Blazevich, 2007).

Jump phase:
As stated earlier it is crucial that players reach maximum height with their jump and that this has a direct relationship with the success of teams and players. Within the jump phase there are biomechanical principles that play important roles in gaining maximal height.

The vertical force generated from the foot plant and push off using major muscles within the leg which creates a transfer of momentum due to the direction of the foot plant. Immediately prior to the jump the knees are flexed, when jumping the legs fully extend and the foot flexes. This can be described as the summation of forces and is important to achieving maximal jump height (Blazevich, 2007).
A factor that plays a major part within the jump is the arm swing. It is beneficial to swing both arms back as far as possible and as early as possible to accelerate the proximal segments of the arm in a forwards and upwards direction. The arms then stop when they reach their highest point in order to create a transfer of momentum along the arm allowing for greater jump height as it propels the body upwards (Blazevich, 2007). This can also be seen in figure 2 as the arms propel the body upwards.

Figure 2: Showing the action of the arm swing used in a vertical jump (Lees, Vanrenterghem                & Clercq, 2004).

Contact Phase:
During the contact phase of the volleyball spike there are several biomechanical principles to consider in order to produce a powerful spike. A point to consider is the placement of the head and eyes during the contact phase. It is crucial to keep the head and eyes still when performing the spike in order to increase accuracy (Blazevich, 2007). The velocity of the ball is essential as the less time between contact with the ball and the ball contacting the ground the greater the chance of success of the spike. The limbs of the human body which include bones and muscle create levers. It is stated that the greater the force transferred through the shoulder to the elbow, the hand and finally to the ball, the greater the velocity of the spike (Forthomme, 2005). Therefore the aim is to maximise the force generated through the shoulder and elbow.
To maximise the amount of force applied to the ball, it is important to maximise torque of the shoulder (Escamilla & Andrews, 2009). Torque can be defined as “the magnitude of force causing the rotation of an object” (Blazevich, 2007). In this case the object is the shoulder, it is important for the spiking player to focus on increasing the distance from the centre rotation of the shoulder in order to create a more powerful spike. This can be achieved through increasing the length of the arm through decreasing the bend of the elbow as this increases the distance between the muscle and the joint, allowing greater torque to be achieved. This can be explained as torque is the product of force and distance from the centre of rotation. Therefore creating a longer lever increases the distance between the axis of rotation and the point of contact, thus increasing the rate of velocity (Blazevich, 2007).
The arm acts as a first class lever as force (effort) is applied between resistance (load) and pivot point (fulcrum) as can be seen below in figure 3. It is vital for the arm to be at full extension when contacting the ball as the proximal segments are stopping. This will result in the highest velocity at the hand (Blazevich, 2007). Therefore it is important that maximal force is applied through rotation at the pivot point in order to transfer maximal force to the ball.

Figure 3: The arm acting as a first class lever (Brain Mac Sports Coach, 2015)

          Another important factor to consider is the transfer of kinetic energy to potential energy from the hand to the ball. It is essential to decrease the time in contact with the object in order to transfer kinetic energy into greater amounts of potential energy (Blazevich, 2007). As the hand holds kinetic energy it is important to decrease the time in contact with the ball in order to maximise the amount of potential energy on the ball and velocity of the spike.
          The Magnus effect is a biomechanical principle that also plays an important part within the volleyball spike. The Magnus effect can be defined as “changing of trajectory of an object towards the direction of spin” (Blazevich, 2007). Magnus force is created by putting spin on an object in order to create unequal pressures of air on the object. As can be seen in figure 3, in the case of the volleyball spike, applying top spin to the ball result in a Magnus force to be directed downwards. This happens through creating the air on top to slow down and the air underneath to move quicker and in turn would direct the ball towards the ground and dip (Blazevich, 2007). Therefore placement of the hand at the contact of the ball is essential to performing a successful spike. Placing the hand over the top of the ball as seen in figure 4 creates topspin and allows the ball to dip, thus decreasing the time from contact of the ball to the ball hitting the ground.

Figure 4: Showing the Magnus effect due to topspin (Magnus Effect, 2014)

Follow Through/Recovery Phase:
The follow through/recovery phase of the volleyball spike is equally as important as the other phases as it is essential to reducing injury as well as avoiding a foul. The body of the player spiking the ball is not allowed to touch the net as this would cause a foul. Considering the body’s centre of mass would allow the player to manipulate the body in order to avoid fouling.
          When spiking the ball, most of the movements create forward momentum for the body to also be propelled forward. In order to avoid the net, the body needs to counteract this which can be done by manipulating the body to change where the centre of mass is (Blazevich, 2007). This can be achieved through thrusting the hips in an opposite direction to the arms once contact has been made to reduce forward momentum.
          It is also important to consider the impact when the feet make contact back on the ground. This is most critical for reduction of injuries. The dissipation of force plays a major part in reducing injury (Myer, Ford, Brent & Hewett, 2006). This can be achieved through the bending of the joints and allowing for a softer landing. In order for this to be achieved, the players ideally should be participating in balance training (Myer, Ford, Brent & Hewett, 2006). The bending of the joints allows for force to be reduced, as Newton’s third law states ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’ (Blazevich, 2007). Therefore reducing the reaction force applied through the joints as can be seen in figure 5.

Figure 5: A video demonstrating the correct landing technique from a vertical jump to avoid                  injury (Ford, 2015)

The volleyball spike uses a similar overarm action to that of an American Football throw, a Baseball pitch (Escamilla & Andrews, 2009). The biomechanical principles discussed can be transferred to these skills, particularly within the hitting phase of the volleyball spike. Jumping is a skill that is prevalent in many sports, blocking in volleyball, basketball and high jump, just to name a few. The biomechanical principles of Newton’s third law, summation of forces and momentum could all be transferred in order to create an efficient and effective technique as well as maximise jump height. The idea of the Magnus effect can also be transferred across most sports which involve balls across many game types. For instance, the magnus effect has impact on soccer, tennis, cricket and rugby. This plays a role in manipulating the direction of the ball, for example curling a ball round a player in soccer by hitting one side of the ball. Each biomechanical principle can be adapted to many different sports and situations.

Blazevich, A. (2007). Sports biomechanics. London: A. & C. Black.

Brain Mac Sports Coach,. (2015). Levers. Retrieved from http://www.brianmac.co.uk/levers.htm

Escamilla, R., & Andrews, J. (2009). Shoulder Muscle Recruitment Patterns and Related          Biomechanics during Upper Extremity Sports. Sports Medicine, 39(7), 569-590.           doi:10.2165/00007256-200939070-00004

Ford, R. (2015). Vertical Jump to Soft Landing. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycn7RmfjxIo

Forthomme, B. (2005). Factors Correlated With Volleyball Spike Velocity. American     Journal Of Sports Medicine, 33(10), 1513-1519. doi:10.1177/0363546505274935

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